Let's Make the Debt Ceiling Debate Real
For the past year or so, there has been no statutory limit on how much the federal government borrows. The debt ceiling was abandoned in...
Why We Must Compact for a Balanced Budget Now!
* * * Support Compact for America's "Tell DC to Stop the Child Abuse! Fix the Debt Now!" campaign with a tax-deductible donation....
What Would Thomas Jefferson Do Now?
As argued by Compact for America grassroots supporter Barney Brenner in his recent Townhall column, Thomas Jefferson was right when he...
FAQ Series Question #1: Does the Compact's Balanced Budget Amendment Fundamentally Change the Consti
Today's blog is the first in a multi-part series that will quickly and directly answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get...
Frequently Asked Questions Raised and Answered in this Freeman Interview of CFA VP Nick Dranias!
FEE’s director of programs, Richard Lorenc, got to sit down with Nick and talk about his work. This extensive interview raises and...
This Constitution Day Compact for a Balanced Budget! By Nick Dranias, J.D.
The Founders meant to establish a federal government of limited and enumerated powers. It was supposed to be an island of power in a sea...
Financial Collapse or Prosperity: The Choice is Yours! Excerpts from Dr. Byron Schlomach's Testimony
My name is Byron Schlomach. I am the Director of the Center for Economic Prosperity at the Goldwater Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. ...
Had Enough of the Political Class Cash Machine?
Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again under the same circumstances and expecting different results....
It Isn't Real and Can't Last
Unlimited debt is the fairy dust that creates the illusion of limitless resources. It is the illusion of limitless resources that enables...