Restore Prosperity NOW!
Want the American Dream Back?
Here's how: Join us at Restore Prosperity NOW! A Fast Flexible Framework for States to Create Growth Learn how states can turbocharge...
Congressman Loudermilk Says: Give the States Their Shot!
Here is an excerpt of testimony offered by Congressman Barry Loudermilk for consideration at the historic first full meeting of the...
House Judiciary Chairman Goodlatte Lauds Balanced Budget Compact!
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte offered this testimony for consideration by the Balanced Budget Compact Commission at its historic...
Congressman Pete Sessions: Fight for a Balanced Budget!
We're proud to highlight how House Rules Chairman Pete Sessions offered this testimony at the historic first full meeting of the Balanced...
The Best Solution: External Discipline
Former North Dakota Senator and Vice President of State Alliances Curtis Olafson offered this testimony at the historic first full...
Only the States Can Save Us!
Former FreedomWorks Vice President of Policy Dean Clancy offered this testimony at the historic first full meeting of the Balanced Budget...
Stephen Moore: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary
This is an excerpt from Economist Stephen Moore's testimony at the historic first full meeting of the Compact Commission of the Compact...
Want to See History Being Made?
You may already have heard the word, but we wanted to make sure you shared in the video and testimonial highlights of the historic first...
Constitutional Scholar Ilya Shapiro: How the Compact for America Approach Strengthens the Article V
From the Historic May 25, 2016 Hearing of the Compact Commission of the Compact for a Balanced Budget: Chairman Rakestraw, Commissioners...