3rd Quarter 2017: Making the Constitution More than Parchment
Pulling all of the hard work of the 3rd quarter 2017 together in one place. Missed a podcast or blog? Here are the best.

CFALive Podcast - "Converging on the Core Solution" Interview with Dr. Schlomach
Dr. Byron Schlomach discusses the many interesting and innovative features of retire law professor Rob Natelson's recent Balanced Budget

Converging on the Solution: State Oversight over Any Federal Debt Increase
A leading advocate of the state-initiated amendment movement recently endorsed state oversight over the federal debt and invited debate over

What Government Does, Markets Do Better (Almost Always).
Can markets really deliver this better than government? Roads Water and Sewer Electricity Transmission and Generation Fire and emergency...

Want a Rocketing Economy?
How would you like to see your state generate thousands of new jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in new economic growth in as few...

Spaghetti Code is Messing with Our Economy!
In Compact for America's latest policy brief, Dr. Adrian Moore, VP of Policy, at Reason Foundation reports: "If the U.S. had frozen...

What Do Estonia, Hong Kong, the California Gold Rush, Singapore, Disney World, Monaco, and Dubai Hav
The answer is peace and prosperity based on economic liberty. In a new groundbreaking policy brief, regulatory expert Sam Batkins and...

How Did Walt Disney Inspire the Prosperity States Initiative?
After the last election, it's time to think big in America - and nobody ever thought bigger than Walt Disney. His vision of family fun...

A Final Vindication of the Principle of State Sovereignty in Article V
Retired Law Professor Robert Natelson recently "corrected" his report attacking the Compact approach to Article V by removing some of his...

Bring Back the American Dream!
Compact for America Educational Foundation has joined forces with Federalism in Action and NeWAY Foundation to advance the “Restore...