Why Compact for America Fulfills the Founders' Promise by Kevin R.C. Gutzman, Ph.D., J.D.
The standard account of the Virginia Ratification Convention has James Madison carrying the water for the Federalists, who succeeded in...
An Open Letter to Compact for America Supporters from Board Member Nick Dranias
Dear Compact for America supporter: As you know, the political class in Washington is mortgaging our future. Special interest groups are...
Take a Shot at the Compact's Balanced Budget Amendment!
With the input and peer review of numerous statesmen, legal, historical and fiscal experts, we at Compact for America believe that the...
Senator Obama Was Right.
On March 16, 2006, U.S. Senator Barack Obama opposed lifting the federal statutory debt limit, arguing: "The fact that we are here today...
Extra! Extra! Compact in the News!
Alan Caruba, columnist, Tea Party News Network, August 31, 2014 says: "The [Compact for a Balanced Budget's] amendment would put 'an...
States Take Charge! Join Us at Case-Western Law School for a Luncheon Presentation.
Compact for America Visiting Scholar and Board Member Nick Dranias makes the case that the States can plausibly fix the national debt...
Fiscal Responsibility Is Not Partisan
Compact for America's proposed Balanced Budget Amendment is carefully designed to reach anyone who believes: The federal government's...
Which Article V Effort is Leading?
That's right. If you measure by distance to the goal of a ratified amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Compact for a Balanced Budget is...