Chip DeMoss Wows the Salcedo Show
The discussion ranges over the wider Article V movement, to the core objectives of the Compact for a Balanced Budget, to the insights of Tho

Meet the Skeptic the Compact was Designed to Convert
Constitutional scholar Trent England discusses the importance of setting expectations in advance for an untried political process such as a

Founders to You & Me: "Use the Tools We Gave You!"
Constitutional Scholar and Talk Radio Host Jeff Utsch explains why the Founders would be proud that Compact for America uses the tools the F

What's Brewing in Congress for the Balanced Budget Compact?
Want to know how and why Congress is partnering with the states on the Balanced Budget Compact? Listen to this podcast.

Want Prosperity Now? Here's How.
Dr. Mark Lutter explains why we should expect huge levels of economic growth in small jurisdictions that adopt deep free market reform.

Are We Greek Yet?
Economist J. Scott Moody discusses his findings on the future of national debt interest rates and the prospects of a balanced budget saving

CFALive Podcast: Is the End Here?
Dr. Schlomach explains why one can agree with Dr. Davies' bleak assessment of the nation's finances and still be confident a Balance

CFALive Podcast - "Converging on the Core Solution" Interview with Dr. Schlomach
Dr. Byron Schlomach discusses the many interesting and innovative features of retire law professor Rob Natelson's recent Balanced Budget

Converging on the Solution: State Oversight over Any Federal Debt Increase
A leading advocate of the state-initiated amendment movement recently endorsed state oversight over the federal debt and invited debate over

The Math Doesn't Add Up
In today's CFALive podcast, Economist and Professor Antony Davies paints a bleak picture of the quality of government debt and liability...