On the Nat'l Debt Reason for Hope Exists!
CFAEF President Nick Dranias argues reason for hope exists. Congress is looking for an intervention to help fix the national debt.

20+ Member Coalition Urges Congress to Adopt National Debt Win-Win Solution
Congress needs to seize the win-win opportunity to partner with the states on advancing the Compact for America Balanced Budget Amendment.

CFALive Podcast Series - Mike Shaw Show Covers U.S. House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Compact!
Dranias and friends are facing off against former Federal Reserve Vice Chair Alan Blinder before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

Steve Moore Thumps the Podium for Prosperity!
Compact for America National Spokesman Steve Moore underscored the crucial need for States to lead the ProsperityStates.org Movement at...

Declare Your Independence!
The uniquely entertaining wildman of radio, Ernie Hancock, invited Compact for America Educational Foundation President & Executive...