Meet Our New Research Fellow!
Thanks to international liberty activist Jacek Spendel of Project Arizona, we are proud to announce our new Research Fellow Mateusz Błaszczyk has joined the team.
Since March 2014, Mat has been a member of the KoLiber Association, a Polish conservative-libertarian organization, where he was involved in projects related to historical and economic education. Mat co-organized the KoLiber Academy − an economic knowledge contest for high school students. He was also the coordinator of Lessons of Economy for Youth in Warsaw.
Mat is an active member and leader of the Austrian School of Economics Club in Warsaw where he gave lectures concerning the ideas of Ayn Rand and Andrew Lawrence's Skyscraper Index at Austrian Economic Meetups in major Polish cities. He and his colleagues managed to organize one of the major events about free-market economics in Poland in 2016: the debate 'In Defense of Capitalism' at the Warsaw School of Economics.