C4A Live Episode 6: Dean Clancy Explains the Debt Debate
C4A Live host Nick Dranias chats with CFAEF Council of Scholars member Dean Clancy, former Vice President of Policy, FreedomWorks, who explains why Millennials should care about a federal Balanced Budget Amendment.
Dean Clancy
Formerly the Vice President of Policy, FreedomWorks
A former senior official in the White House, Congress, and the health care industry, Dean Clancy served as a senior legislative advisor to the U.S. House Majority Leader (1995-2001) and on the Senate staff of the congressional Joint Economic Committee (2009-2010). From 2001 to 2004, he was staff director of the President’s Council on Bioethics. From 2004 to 2006, he was the top White House budget official on health care and entitlement issues, with a portfolio encompassing half the federal budget in dollar terms. Clancy’s private sector experience includes vice president for public policy at the six-million-member nonprofit FreedomWorks, where he led efforts to promote the ideals of lower taxes, less government, and more freedom. Clancy is frequently quoted in national publications and interviewed on national television and radio programs and is an occasional columnist at U.S. News and World Report and The Federalist Magazine. Hailing from Aurora, Colorado, he lives in Virginia with his wife and four children.
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