3rd Quarter 2017: Making the Constitution More than Parchment
Pulling all of the hard work of the 3rd quarter 2017 together in one place. Missed a podcast or blog? Here are the best.
Compact for America Catches Fire!
It has been an incredible past few weeks for the Compact for America Initiative! We’ve enjoyed rapidly growing national, regional and...
The Social Media Manager Cometh
Welcome the newest member of the Compact for America team: Daniel Fortune. Daniel will serve as our Social Media Manager. He is a native...
Compact for America Goes to Washington!
#compactmomentum #compactforamericacoreprinciples
Welcome Greg Brooks and Baker Spring to the Team!
Compact for America Educational Foundation is thrilled to announce that Greg Brooks and Baker Spring have joined the team! Greg Brooks is...
Let's Make the Debt Ceiling Debate Real
For the past year or so, there has been no statutory limit on how much the federal government borrows. The debt ceiling was abandoned in...
FEE's Larry Reed Joins the Board of Directors!
It's official: Lawrence Reed-the President of the Foundation for Economic Education-has joined the Compact for America Educational...
Compact for America's Six Week Sprint Status Update!
In the past six weeks, the Compact for America team has made huge strides. As you head out to reconnect with family and friends, here is...
What Has Brought George Will, Judge Napolitano and Lawrence Lessig Together?
It's time to stop sending the bill for our debt spending to our kids. Together, we must stop taxation without representation. Towards...
What Would Thomas Jefferson Do Now?
As argued by Compact for America grassroots supporter Barney Brenner in his recent Townhall column, Thomas Jefferson was right when he...