Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 7 of 7): Section 7's Self-Enforcement Provision
The Compact for a Balanced Budget advances a specific Balanced Budget Amendment that you can read today, and which four states have...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 6 of 7): Section 5's Tax Limit
The Compact for a Balanced Budget advances a specific Balanced Budget Amendment that you can read today, and which four states have...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Post 5 of 7): Section 4's Enforcement Provisions
Section 4 of the Compact's BBA establishes the enforcement mechanism for the debt limit it establishes. It requires the President to...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 4 of 7): Section 3's "External Discipline" Requireme
The Compact for a Balanced Budget advances a specific Balanced Budget Amendment that you can read today, and which four states have...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 3 of 7): Section 2's Constitutional Debt Limit
The Compact for a Balanced Budget advances a specific Balanced Budget Amendment that you can read today, and which four states have...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 2 of 7): Section 1's Pay-As-You-Go Spending Limit
The Compact for a Balanced Budget advances a specific Balanced Budget Amendment that you can read today, and which four states have...
Exploding Propaganda Series (Part 1 of 7): The Problem with Enforcing the Constitution As It Is
The opposition to the state-originated constitutional amendment movement often starts off by saying, the "Constitution is not the...