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We tried to unify the Article V movement and this happened...

We wanted to let you know that Compact for America graciously offered model legislation at ALEC's federalism task force that would unify the three major Article V efforts in one bill. The intent was to unify the movement by allowing legislators to vote once for all efforts. The BBA Task Force through its Executive Director Scott Rogers opposed the proposal. Rep. Ken Ivory of Utah reported that Convention of States opposed the bill. As a result, a motion was made to table the bill, which was supported by BBA Task Force. The motion to table succeeded and the unity effort was delayed until December.

I would ask you to consider expressing your opinion publicly about whether you believe that the Article V movement should have at least the opportunity to unify and whether you agree with efforts by the BBA Task Force and reported efforts by Convention of States to oppose this effort.

We have tried guys. But it takes at least 3 to tango for the movement to unify.

If you want us to give it another shot, shoot our CEO an email at

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