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Revving Up for 2018

The team is gearing up for 2018 and we're thrilled that you're a part of the Compact for America movement!

Some exciting things have been happening.

First, Arizona joined the Balanced Budget Compact during the 2017 session--bringing the total to 5 member states! Keep in mind that each member state has:

  • Applied for a proposing convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution;

  • Committed to advancing a specific balanced budget amendment;

  • Designated their delegates;

  • Agreed to the convention rules and location; and

  • Committed to ratifying the balanced budget amendment (if it is proposed).

That means with just 5 states in, we're far closer to delivering a ratified balanced budget amendment than any other effort to organize an Article V convention (many of which also deserve your support - never put all of your eggs in one basket)!

Second, nobody published more on groundbreaking policy reform efforts than we did in 2016-17. Check out our work here and here. We're going to top that in 2017-18. We have some great policy papers planned to support the "Article V 2.0" compact approach and the Prosperity States Compact - our effort to give local communities the option of forming "Disney Worlds of Capitalism."

Just in case you need a quick download, you'll want our convenient FAQ on the Balanced Budget Compact, which includes hyperlinks to some great blogs and opinion pieces. And if you're a business person who is tired of red tape and want to show your support for the Prosperity States Compact effort, here's your chance.

And don't forget to subscribe to, follow and like our:

Third, we hired a rockstar for our new Executive Vice President of Development - John Flores. He's set for himself a goal of raising the funds to educate folks in 40 states during 2018. That's not cheap. But he's the man to get the job done. Check out his creds here.

You can help too. Please consider a donation to the cause! We need to raise another $37,500 to fully prime the pump for John Flores' national campaign.

There are plenty of ways to get involved beyond educating yourself and investing in keeping the Republic. If you want to get more engaged in other ways, just get on our mailing list! We're sure you already saw a popup or two.

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