Heritage Foundation Engages Article V -But What About the Six Founder Quotes?
In a very neutral piece covering the Article V movement generally, the Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm recently spotlighted the Balanced Budget Compact effort! You can read it here.
Overall, the policy brief is carefully crafted to please and offend no one. It is a view of the state-initiated constitutional amendment movement from "Olympus."
Significantly, to maintain that vantage point, Heritage offers no discussion of the Six Founder Quotes, discussed below, that unequivocally vindicate state control over an Article V convention through the call-triggering application.
But this omission is actually fortuitous. It positions Heritage Foundation to serve in a very important role: as neutral arbiter. In this role, Heritage could finally force a real debate and discussion of the original meaning and purpose of Article V among both opponents and supporters.
We urge Heritage to seize the day.
And to start that debate, we lay down a challenge to Professor Michael Paulsen, as well as the good and honest people at Eagle Forum and John Birch Society, to address what they never address in their attacks on efforts to organize the states to use their power to propose amendments by convention. We also challenge our fellow travelers in the Article V movement who prefer organizing a convention without any specific amendment in mind to grapple with the Six Founder Quotes as well.
Specifically, we dare them to explain how the following Six Founder Quotes are consistent with a view that an Article V convention was meant to be uncontrolled by the states' call-triggering "application" or that the application cannot limit the deliberations of the convention to one or more specific amendments:
We would think that an honest opponent of Article V (or a proponent of a broad agenda drafting convention) would address the Six Founder Quotes and at least explain how their theories are consistent with them.
They never do.
But it is easy for Compact for America to do this. As discussed in A Guidebook for Deploying Article V as the Founders Actually Intended: The Application & Convention Mode of Proposing Amendments, the Six Founder Quotes confirm that Article V means:
two-thirds of the states jointly petition, i.e. join in an "Application," through their legislatures for one or more amendments to be proposed by a meeting of state representatives called a "convention;"
Congress must call the convention in response to the states' petition; and
the convention's authority is limited to the specific requests made in the states' petition.
The Balanced Budget Compact is simply a wrap-around safety blanket to ensure that the specific federal Balanced Budget Amendment desired by the states as specified in their Application is what the convention actually proposes! The Compact also delivers greater speed and certainty to the legacy Article V process by consolidating all necessary elements of the amendment process in one state bill and one congressional resolution.
In other words, we take the Six Founder Quotes seriously.
The question, laid on the table, is: Who else does?