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See Compact for America’s Balanced Budget Amendment for Yourself!

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Conscientious Americans are extremely apprehensive when it comes to “editing” the U.S. Constitution that many courageous souls have fought and died for. As a Veteran, I completely understand. I even share many of the same concerns that most people have when first hearing about the Compact for a balanced budget initiative.

This is why transparency is important to us here at Compact For America. Not only do we have nothing to hide, but we believe America has everything to gain by advancing this initiative. Ultimately, we are humble enough to understand that this isn’t our Compact; it’s America’s Compact! This is why we encourage you (everyone) to see Compact for America’s Balanced Budget Amendment for yourself!

America's Compact For A Balanced Budget At a Glance...

Compact for America’s balanced budget is a concerted effort to impose real limits on the federal government’s borrowing capacity with built-in incentives to reduce spending before raising revenue to address deficits. But it is also flexible, allowing for emergency borrowing and revenue increases if a reasonably strong consensus exists. The bottom line is that it will completely change the mentality of Washington, which is used to a blank check. For the first time in history, Washington will be required to do what nearly every state legislature does: set priorities, make trade-offs and create a budget.

It Gets Better…

Not only that, but there is every reason that the Amendment is something that at least 38 states can get behind. Every policy concept in the BBA poll tests at 81% to 61%, with majority approval from voters who identify themselves as Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. It has been vetted by experts at sixteen think tanks over nearly three years—including Texas Public Policy Foundation, Goldwater Institute, Heartland Institute, Federalist Society, Cato Institute, and many others.

See America's Compact For Yourself...

Sometimes, it helps to just see for yourself:

Click here for a one page overview of the Compact for Balanced Budget Initiative.

Click here for a copy of the Compact for a Balanced Budget model legislation.

Click here for a copy of the Congressional Resolution that activates the Compact.

See America's Compact in Action...

We're proud to advise you that on April 1st (no fooling) North Dakota’s Governor Jack Dalrymple signed the Compact for a Balanced Budget bill into law!

North Dakota now joins Alaska, Georgia, and Mississippi in a formal interstate agreement to advance, propose and ratify a specific, pre-drafted federal Balanced Budget Amendment.

This puts the Compact for America initiative well ahead of all other Article V efforts, if you measure by distance to a ratified amendment (that’s only a wee bit of friendly rivalry).


Not only that, but on March 19, 2015, Congressman Gosar of Arizona joined 15 of his colleagues from 13 states in filing the congressional resolution needed to activate the Compact for a Balanced Budget! You can read all about it here and here.

Gosar then followed up on this historic congressional effort to partner with the states with this terrific op-ed at

Meanwhile, Florida has jumped through 3 committee hearings, Missouri is scheduled for the senate floor, Texas stands poised to get through its first; and Alabama and North Carolina filed their own Compact for a Balanced Budget bills—with 33 co-sponsors led by Rep. Ed Henry in Alabama and 4 co-sponsors led by Rep. Chris Millis in North Carolina. We expect Ohio and Michigan to come online next!

And just in case you haven’t learned enough about the Compact for America initiative, you can watch this panel discussion at the Cato Institute, which was organized on March 17 and featured Compact For America's, President & Executive Director, Nick Dranias, Cato Institute's (and CFAEF Scholar) Ilya Shapiro, and Ayn Rand Institute's scholar Onkar Ghate. This panel discussion was moderated by none other than Roger Pilon.

You can also watch this powerful presentation from our new Executive Vice President of Development, Jeff Utsch, before the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley here.

Compact For America Truly Is An American Initiative...

In the end, it is important for America to see Compact For America for what it really is. This is an initiative by American citizens to use the tools given us by our founders within the Constitution to restore fiscal sanity, protect our national posterity, and preserve the Republic regardless of political affiliation.

Our duty to do so isn't a political issue, but a moral imperative! Since this is true, we must refuse to play the brand of partisan politics which only leads to fear and inaction. Rather, we must seize every opportunity we have to band together and help make history!

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