Will Sen. McConnell Seize the Opportunity to Fix the Debt?
The Debt Doctor explains why a Balanced Budget Amendment warrants Senate Majority Leader McConnell's attention. Click the picture for a...
The Case for Bipartisan Fiscal Reform
The Debt Doctor urges a bipartisan approach to fixing our national fiscal policy. Click on the picture for his thoughts. #DebtDoctor
Debt Doctor: Debt is a Bipartisan Problem Requiring a Bipartisan Solution
Dr. Larson argues that Democrats need to support responsible Balanced Budget Amendment efforts. Click on the picture for his...
Unsustainable Debt Spending=Poverty
In this Arizona Daily Independent column, the Debt Doctor explains how our unsustainable fiscal policy will impoverish the nation. Click...
Stock Markets Agree with the Debt Doctor: Recession is Near
From the article: "Alas, there are reasons for our stock market investors to be pessimistic about the global economy." Click on the...
The Debt Doctor Predicts a 2016 Recession (Part 2)
From the doc: "The one group of decision makers that need to pay attention to this is our legislators in Congress. A downturn would...
The Debt Doctor is In: Good and Bad BBAs
Dr. Sven Larson summarizes his findings, opinions and conclusions about good and bad Balanced Budget Amendments. Guess which ones are bad...